Mixed spectral regimes for square Fibonacci Hamiltonians
Jake Fillman
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USAYuki Takahashi
University of California, Irvine, USAWilliam Yessen
Rice University, Houston, USA

For the square tridiagonal Fibonacci Hamiltonian, we prove existence of an open set of parameters which yield mixed interval-Cantor spectra (i.e. spectra containing an interval as well as a Cantor set), as well as mixed density of states measures (i.e. measures whose absolutely continuous and singular continuous components are both nonzero). Using the methods developed in this paper, we also show existence of parameter regimes for the square continuum Fibonacci Schrödinger operator yielding mixed interval-Cantor spectra. These examples provide the rst explicit examples of an interesting phenomenon that has not hitherto been observed in aperiodic Hamiltonians. Moreover, while we focus only on the Fibonacci model, our techniques are equally applicable to models based on any two-letter primitive invertible substitution.
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Jake Fillman, Yuki Takahashi, William Yessen, Mixed spectral regimes for square Fibonacci Hamiltonians. J. Fractal Geom. 3 (2016), no. 4, pp. 377–405
DOI 10.4171/JFG/40