Exel–Pardo algebras with a twist
Guillermo Cortiñas
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Takeshi Katsura associated a -algebra to a pair of square matrices and of the same size with integral coefficients and gave sufficient conditions on to be simple purely infinite (SPI). We call such a pair a KSPI pair. It follows from a result of Katsura that any separable -algebra which is a cone of a map in Kasparov’s triangulated category is -isomorphic to for some KSPI pair . In this article, we introduce, for the data of a commutative ring , non-necessarily square matrices , and a matrix of the same size with coefficients in the group of invertible elements, an -algebra , the twisted Katsura algebra of the triple . When and are square and is trivial, we recover the Katsura -algebra first considered by Enrique Pardo and Ruy Exel. We show that if is a field of characteristic and is KSPI, then is SPI, and that any -algebra which is a cone of a map in the triangulated bivariant algebraic -theory category is -isomorphic to for some as above so that is KSPI. Katsura -algebras are examples of the Exel–Pardo algebras associated to a group acting on a directed graph and a -cocycle . Similarly, twisted Katsura algebras are examples of the twisted Exel–Pardo -algebras we introduce in the current article; they are associated to data as above twisted by a -cocycle . The algebra can be variously described by generators and relations, as a quotient of a twisted semigroup algebra, as a twisted Steinberg algebra, as a corner skew Laurent polynomial algebra, and as a universal localization of a tensor algebra. We use each of these guises of to study its -theoretic, regularity, and (purely infinite) simplicity properties. For example, we show that if is a field of characteristic , and are countable, and is regular, then is simple whenever the Exel–Pardo -algebra is, and is SPI if in addition the Leavitt path algebra is SPI.
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Guillermo Cortiñas, Exel–Pardo algebras with a twist. J. Noncommut. Geom. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/585