Projective representation theory for compact quantum groups and the quantum Baum–Connes assembly map
Kenny De Commer
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, BelgiumRubén Martos
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DenmarkRyszard Nest
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

We study the theory of measurable projective representations for a compact quantum group , i.e., actions of on for some Hilbert space . We show that any such measurable projective representation is inner, and is hence induced by an -twisted representation for some measurable -cocycle on . We show that a projective representation is continuous, i.e., restricts to an action on the compact operators , if and only if the associated -cocycle is regular, and that this condition is automatically satisfied if is of Kac type. This allows in particular to characterise the torsion of projective type of in terms of the projective representation theory of . For a given regular -cocycle , we then study -twisted actions on -algebras. We define deformed crossed products with respect to , obtaining a twisted version of the Baaj–Skandalis duality and the Green–Julg isomorphism, and a quantum version of the Packer–Raeburn’s trick.
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Kenny De Commer, Rubén Martos, Ryszard Nest, Projective representation theory for compact quantum groups and the quantum Baum–Connes assembly map. J. Noncommut. Geom. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/596