H-unitality of smooth groupoid algebras

  • Michael D. Francis

    MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada
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We show that the convolution algebra of smooth, compactly-supported functions on a Lie groupoid is H-unital in the sense of Wodzicki. We also prove H-unitality of infinite order vanishing ideals associated to invariant, closed subsets of the unit space. This furthermore gives H-unitality for the quotients by such ideals, which are noncommutative algebras of Whitney functions. These results lead immediately to excision properties in discrete Hochschild and cyclic homology around invariant, closed subsets. This work extends previous work of the author establishing the Dixmier–Malliavin theorem in this setting.

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Michael D. Francis, H-unitality of smooth groupoid algebras. J. Noncommut. Geom. (2025), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JNCG/610