On quaternionic tori and their moduli space
Cinzia Bisi
Università di Ferrara, ItalyGraziano Gentili
Università di Firenze, Italy

Quaternionic tori are defined as quotients of the skew field of quaternions by rank-4 lattices. Using slice regular functions, these tori are endowed with natural structures of quaternionic manifolds (in fact quaternionic curves), and a fundamental region in a 12-dimensional real subspace is then constructed to classify them up to biregular diffeomorphisms. The points of the moduli space correspond to suitable special bases of rank-4 lattices, which are studied with respect to the action of the group GL, and up to biregular diffeomeorphisms. All tori with a non trivial group of biregular automorphisms – and all possible groups of their biregular automorphisms – are then identified, and recognized to correspond to five different subsets of boundary points of the moduli space.
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Cinzia Bisi, Graziano Gentili, On quaternionic tori and their moduli space. J. Noncommut. Geom. 12 (2018), no. 2, pp. 473–510
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/284