Holomorphic functions on the quantum polydisk and on the quantum ball
Alexei Yu. Pirkovskii
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
We introduce and study noncommutative (or „quantized") versions of the algebras of holomorphic functions on the polydisk and on the ball in . Specifically, for each we construct Fréchet algebras and such that for they are isomorphic to the algebras of holomorphic functions on the open polydisk and on the open ball , respectively. In the case where , we establish a relation between our holomorphic quantum ball algebra and L.L. Vaksman's algebra of continuous functions on the closed quantum ball. Finally, we show that and are not isomorphic provided that and . This result can be interpreted as a -analog of Poincaré's theorem, which asserts that and are not biholomorphically equivalent unless .
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Alexei Yu. Pirkovskii, Holomorphic functions on the quantum polydisk and on the quantum ball. J. Noncommut. Geom. 13 (2019), no. 3, pp. 857–886
DOI 10.4171/JNCG/340