Quantum geometry of Boolean algebras and de Morgan duality

  • Shahn Majid

    Queen Mary University of London, UK
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We take a fresh look at the geometrization of logic using the recently developed tools of “quantum Riemannian geometry” applied in the digital case over the field , extending de Morgan duality to this context of differential forms and connections. The -forms correspond to graphs and the exterior derivative of a subset amounts to the arrows that cross between the set and its complement. The line graph has a non-flat but Ricci flat quantum Riemannian geometry. The previously known four quantum geometries on the triangle graph, of which one is curved, are revisited in terms of left-invariant differentials, as are the quantum geometries on the dual Hopf algebra, the group algebra of . For the square, we find a moduli of four quantum Riemannian geometries, all flat, while for an -gon with we find a unique one, again flat. We also propose an extension of de Morgan duality to general algebras and differentials over .

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Shahn Majid, Quantum geometry of Boolean algebras and de Morgan duality. J. Noncommut. Geom. 17 (2023), no. 1, pp. 37–79

DOI 10.4171/JNCG/460