Why should mathematicians ask politicians to avoid the ancient dilemma of pure and applied mathematics?

  • Mohammad Sal Moslehian

    Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran
Why should mathematicians ask politicians to avoid the ancient dilemma of pure and applied mathematics? cover
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Due to the commercialization of science and technology, there is evidence of politicians paying attention mainly to research with immediate applications and benefits. Furthermore, unrealistic requests are made regarding the direct applicability of results in mathematics, a circumstance that may negatively affect all basic and theoretical studies. This paper not only shows that the distinction between pure and applied mathematics is historically and practically unnecessary and unhelpful, but also emphasizes the romantic idea that pure and applied mathematicians should constitute a community and work together to change politicians’ minds.

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Mohammad Sal Moslehian, Why should mathematicians ask politicians to avoid the ancient dilemma of pure and applied mathematics?. Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. 130 (2023), pp. 48–52

DOI 10.4171/MAG/135