Nonlinear PDE in the presence of singular randomness

English translation of the paper “EDP non linéaires en présence d’aléa singulier” published in La Gazette des Mathématiciens, 160, pp. 6–14, 2019

  • Nikolay Tzvetkov

    École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
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This paper describes results concerning the construction of lowregularity solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations that depend on a random parameter. The motivations for this study are very varied. However, in the end, the results obtained and the methods used are conceptually very similar.

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Nikolay Tzvetkov, Nonlinear PDE in the presence of singular randomness. Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. 129 (2023), pp. 5–12

DOI 10.4171/MAG/164