Every file is a program, but not the reverse

English translation of the article entitled “Tout fichier est un programme… et non l’inverse” and published in La Gazette des Mathématiciens 176 (April 2023)

  • Baptiste Mélès

    CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France; University of Strasbourg, France
Every file is a program, but not the reverse cover
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The concept of a program, unlike that of a file, is an informal one, giving rise to inaccurate or even false assumptions. In this article, we will contest two of them. First, using historical examples, we will show that there are programs that are not files. Then, more surprisingly, we will argue that any file can be seen as a program, since all criteria characterizing programs hold true for files. In particular, we will conclude that there is no technical reason to distinguish between file/program and program/interpreter pairs.

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Baptiste Mélès, Every file is a program, but not the reverse. Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. 133 (2024), pp. 5–11

DOI 10.4171/MAG/205