No. 107 (2018)
Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society

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pp. 3–4 Editorial – Message from the PresidentPavel Exner
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/1pp. 6–8 Annales Henri LebesgueXavier CarusoDominique CerveauXhensila LachambreNicolas RaymondSébastien GouëzelSan Vũ Ngọc
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/2pp. 9–16 From Grothendieck to Naor: A Stroll Through the Metric Analysis of Banach SpacesGilles Godefroy
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/3pp. 17–22 Interview with Ragni PieneUlf Persson
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/4pp. 23–27 History of Mathematics in the Netherlands: where to find itDanny J. Beckers
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/5pp. 28–33 Maryam Mirzakhani (1977–2017)Anton Zorich
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/6pp. 34–35 A Mathematical PolyglotElisabetta Strickland
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/7pp. 36–37 Pi Day: An International Festival of MathematicsAnnamaria IezziElena BerardiniGuillaume GeoffroyJoël Cohen
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/8pp. 37–39 Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de ParisGaël Octavia
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/9pp. 40–41 The Turkish Mathematical SocietyBetül TanbayAttila Aşkar
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/10pp. 42–44 ICMI ColumnJean-Luc Dorier
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/11pp. 45–46 ERME ColumnOrly BuchbinderJason CooperGabriel StylianidesKirsten Pfeiffer
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/12pp. 46–51 Mathematicians and Primary School Teachers Learning From Each OtherJason CooperAbraham Arcavi
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/13pp. 57–60 Solved and Unsolved ProblemsMichael T. Rassias
DOI 10.4171/NEWS/107/14