Emigration of Mathematicians and Transmission of Mathematics: Historical Lessons and Consequences of the Third Reich
June E. Barrow-Green
Open University, Milton Keynes, UKDella Dumbaugh
University of Richmond, United StatesJoachim Schwermer
Universität Wien, AustriaReinhard Siegmund-Schultze
University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway

This conference provided a focused venue to explore the intellectual migration of mathematicians and mathematics spurred by the Nazis and still influential today. The week of talks and discussions (both formal and informal) created a rich opportunity for the cross-fertilization of ideas among almost 50 mathematicians, historians of mathematics, general historians, and curators.
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June E. Barrow-Green, Della Dumbaugh, Joachim Schwermer, Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, Emigration of Mathematicians and Transmission of Mathematics: Historical Lessons and Consequences of the Third Reich. Oberwolfach Rep. 8 (2011), no. 4, pp. 2891–2961
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2011/51