Mini-Workshop: Generalizations of Symmetric Spaces

  • Ralf Köhl

    Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany
  • Aloysius G. Helminck

    North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA


This workshop brought together experts from the areas of algebraic Lie theory, invariant theory, Kac–Moody theory and the theories of Tits buildings and of symmetric spaces. The main focus was on topics related to symmetric spaces in order to stimulate progress in current research projects or trigger new collaboration via comparison, analogy, transfer, generalization, and unification of methods. Specific topics that were covered include Kac–Moody symmetric spaces, double coset decompositions of (groups of rational points of) algebraic groups and Kac–Moody groups, and symmetric/Gelfand pairs in Lie algebras.

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Ralf Köhl, Aloysius G. Helminck, Mini-Workshop: Generalizations of Symmetric Spaces. Oberwolfach Rep. 9 (2012), no. 2, pp. 1107–1148

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2012/18