Geometric Topology

  • Martin R. Bridson

    University of Oxford, UK
  • Clara Löh

    Universität Regensburg, Germany
  • Thomas Schick

    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany


Geometric topology has seen significant advances in the understanding and application of infinite symmetries and of the principles behind them. On the one hand, for advances in (geometric) group theory, tools from algebraic topology are applied and extended; on the other hand, spectacular results in topology (e.g., the proofs of new cases of the Novikov conjecture or the Atiyah conjecture) were only possible through a combination of methods of homotopy theory and new insights in the geometry of groups. This workshop focused on the rich interplay between algebraic topology and geometric group theory.

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Martin R. Bridson, Clara Löh, Thomas Schick, Geometric Topology. Oberwolfach Rep. 12 (2015), no. 1, pp. 187–233

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2015/3