Transport and Scale Interactions in Geophysical Flows

  • Christian Franzke

    IBS Center for Climate Physics, Busan, Republic Of Korea
  • Marcel Oliver

    KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany
  • Jens Rademacher

    Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
  • Irina Rypina

    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods, USA


This interdisciplinary workshop brought together researchers working on different aspects of transport and scale interactions across the spectrum of geophysical fluid dynamics: geometry and computation of transport and exchange processes in geophysical flows, Lagrangian coherent structures, (geo-strophic) turbulence, nonlinear waves and coherent structures in the Eulerian description of fluids, and stochastic methods in multiscale systems. Each of these topics have their own vibrant communities as well as well-established and emerging connections. This meeting aimed to bridge across the entire span of topics from a dynamical systems perspective, and to connect classical approaches with new developments in data-driven modeling and stochastic modeling.

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Christian Franzke, Marcel Oliver, Jens Rademacher, Irina Rypina, Transport and Scale Interactions in Geophysical Flows. Oberwolfach Rep. 20 (2023), no. 3, pp. 1731–1788

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2023/31