Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Combinatorics

  • Gil Kalai

    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Isabella Novik

    University of Washington, Seattle, USA
  • Francisco Santos

    Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
  • Volkmar Welker

    Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany


The 2023 Oberwolfach meeting “Geometric, Algebraic, and Topological Combinatorics” was organized by Gil Kalai (Jerusalem), Isabella Novik (Seattle), Francisco Santos (Santander), and Volkmar Welker (Marburg). It covered a wide variety of aspects of Discrete Geometry, Algebraic Combinatorics with geometric flavor, and Topological Combinatorics. Some of the highlights of the conference were (1) Federico Ardila and Tom Braden discussed recent exciting developments in the intersection theory of matroids; (2) Stavros Papadakis and Vasiliki Petrotou presented their proof of the Lefschetz property for spheres, and, more generally, for pseudomanifolds and cycles (this second part is joint with Karim Adiprasito); (3) Gaku Liu reported on his joint work with Spencer Backman that establishes the existence of a regular unimodular triangulation of an arbitrary matroid base polytope.

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Gil Kalai, Isabella Novik, Francisco Santos, Volkmar Welker, Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Combinatorics. Oberwolfach Rep. 20 (2023), no. 4, pp. 3249–3318

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2023/58