Mini-Workshop: Surreal Numbers, Surreal Analysis, Hahn Fields and Derivations

  • Alessandro Berarducci

    Università di Pisa, Italy
  • Philip Ehrlich

    Ohio University, Athens, USA
  • Salma Kuhlmann

    Universität Konstanz, Germany


New striking analogies between H. Hahn’s fields of generalised series with real coefficients, G. H. Hardy’s field of germs of real valued functions, and J. H. Conway’s field No of surreal numbers, have been lately discovered and exploited. The aim of the workshop was to bring quickly together experts and young researchers, to articulate and investigate current key questions and conjectures regarding these fields, and to explore emerging applications of this recent discovery.

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Alessandro Berarducci, Philip Ehrlich, Salma Kuhlmann, Mini-Workshop: Surreal Numbers, Surreal Analysis, Hahn Fields and Derivations. Oberwolfach Rep. 13 (2016), no. 4, pp. 3313–3372

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2016/60