Mini-Workshop: Cluster Expansions: From Combinatorics to Analysis through Probability
Roberto Fernández
Universiteit Utrecht, NetherlandsSabine C. Jansen
University of Sussex, Brighton, UKDimitrios Tsagkarogiannis
University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

The workshop addressed the interplay between theory and applications of cluster expansions. These expansions, historically geared towards the study of systems in statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and physical chemistry, have recently found applications in different areas of current mathematical research, such as point processes, random graphs, coloring issues, logics and inverse problems in numerical analysis. The workshop developed both directions of the theory–application interplay. On the one hand, speakers presented advances in the theoretical foundations of the abstract polymer model and improved tree-graph inequalities, and explored their consequences for the theory of liquids and other applied issues. On the other hand, researchers in stochastic modelisation exposed needs and challenges brought by concrete models of liquids and liquid crystal to the theory of cluster expansions. In addition other complementary methods were discussed, such as disagrement percolation – an expansion-free approach to uniqueness and decay of correlations – and lace expansions – an expansion technique popular for its applications to random walks and percolation problems.
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Roberto Fernández, Sabine C. Jansen, Dimitrios Tsagkarogiannis, Mini-Workshop: Cluster Expansions: From Combinatorics to Analysis through Probability. Oberwolfach Rep. 14 (2017), no. 1, pp. 417–452
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2017/8