Mini-Workshop: Interactions between Low-dimensional Topology and Complex Algebraic Geometry
Stefan Friedl
Universität Regensburg, GermanyLaurentiu Maxim
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USAAlexander I. Suciu
Northeastern University, Boston, USA

Recent developments exhibit a strong connection between low-dimensional topology and complex algebraic geometry. A common theme is provided by the Alexander polynomial and its many avatars. The mini-Workshop brought together at Oberwolfach groups of researchers working in mostly separate areas, but sharing common interests in a vibrant, emerging field at the crossroads of Topology, Group Theory, and Geometry.
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Stefan Friedl, Laurentiu Maxim, Alexander I. Suciu, Mini-Workshop: Interactions between Low-dimensional Topology and Complex Algebraic Geometry. Oberwolfach Rep. 14 (2017), no. 4, pp. 2987–3033
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2017/50