Mini-Workshop: Entropy, Information and Control

  • Fritz Colonius

    Universität Augsburg, Germany
  • Tomasz Downarowicz

    Wrocław University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
  • Christoph Kawan

    Universität Passau, Germany
  • Girish Nair

    University of Melbourne, Australia


This mini-workshop was motivated by the emerging field of networked control, which combines concepts from the disciplines of control theory, information theory and dynamical systems. Many current approaches to networked control simplify one or more of these three aspects, for instance by assuming no dynamical disturbances, or noiseless communication channels, or linear dynamics. The aim of this meeting was to approach a common understanding of the relevant results and techniques from each discipline in order to study the major, multi-disciplinary problems in networked control.

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Fritz Colonius, Tomasz Downarowicz, Christoph Kawan, Girish Nair, Mini-Workshop: Entropy, Information and Control. Oberwolfach Rep. 15 (2018), no. 1, pp. 531–558

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2018/10