Subgroups of Cremona Groups
Fabrizio Catanese
Universität Bayreuth, GermanyIvan Cheltsov
Edinburgh University, UKJulie Déserti
Université Paris Diderot, FranceYuri Prokhorov
Moscow State University, Russian Federation

There have been recent breakthroughs in two related questions: the study of Cremona groups, and the problem of rationality of algebraic varieties. Our workshop brought together algebraic geometers, who discussed and tried to solve problems that are relevant to the classification of finite subgroups of Cremona groups. Priority was given to the following four related areas: automorphisms of algebraic varieties, birational geometry of Mori fibre spaces, and rationality problems.
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Fabrizio Catanese, Ivan Cheltsov, Julie Déserti, Yuri Prokhorov, Subgroups of Cremona Groups. Oberwolfach Rep. 15 (2018), no. 2, pp. 1685–1743
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2018/28