Mini-Workshop: Operator Algebraic Quantum Groups

  • Michael Brannan

    Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
  • Martijn Caspers

    Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Moritz Weber

    Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany
  • Anna Wysoczańska-Kula

    University of Wroclaw, Poland


This mini-workshop brought together a rich and varied cross-section of young and active researchers working on operator algebraic aspects of quantum group theory. The primary goals of this meeting were to highlight the state-of-the-art results on the subject and to trigger new research by advertising some of the main open directions in operator algebraic quantum group theory: classification problems for C*- and von Neumann algebras, relations to free/non-commutative probability, applications in quantum information theory, and the creation of new quantum groups and potential classification results for subclasses of quantum groups.

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Michael Brannan, Martijn Caspers, Moritz Weber, Anna Wysoczańska-Kula, Mini-Workshop: Operator Algebraic Quantum Groups. Oberwolfach Rep. 16 (2019), no. 4, pp. 2821–2867

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2019/45