Mini-Workshop: Non-Negativity is a Quantum Phenomenon

  • Thomas H. Lenagan

    University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Stéphane Launois

    University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK


In recent publications, the same combinatorial description has arisen for three separate objects of interest: non-negative cells in the real grassmannian (Postnikov, Williams); torus orbits of symplectic leaves in the classical grassmannian (Brown, Goodearl and Yakimov); and, torus invariant prime ideals in the quantum grassmannian (Launois, Lenagan and Rigal). The aim of this meeting was to explore the reasons for this coincidence in matrices and the grassmannian in particular, and to explore similar ideas in more general settings.

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Thomas H. Lenagan, Stéphane Launois, Mini-Workshop: Non-Negativity is a Quantum Phenomenon. Oberwolfach Rep. 6 (2009), no. 1, pp. 767–800

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2009/14