Noncommutative Geometry and Loop Quantum Gravity: Loops, Algebras and Spectral Triples

  • Christian Fleischhack

    Universität Paderborn, Germany
  • Matilde Marcolli

    California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States
  • Ryszard Nest

    University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Spectral triples have recently turned out to be relevant for different approaches that aim at quantizing gravity and the other fundamental forces of nature in a mathematically rigorous way. The purpose of this workshop was to bring together researchers mainly from noncommutative geometry and loop quantum gravity –two major fields that have used spectraltriples independently so far– in order to share their results and open issues.

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Christian Fleischhack, Matilde Marcolli, Ryszard Nest, Noncommutative Geometry and Loop Quantum Gravity: Loops, Algebras and Spectral Triples. Oberwolfach Rep. 7 (2010), no. 1, pp. 373–413

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2010/09