Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Mathematical Billards
Serge Tabachnikov
Penn State University, University Park, United StatesSerge Troubetzkoy
CNRS Luminy, Marseille, France

The workshop Mathematical Billiards, organised by Serge Tabachnikov (Penn State) and Serge Troubetzkoy (Marseille) was held April 4th–April 10th, 2010. This meeting was well attended by over 40 participants including a number of master and PhD students, with broad geographic representation. This workshop was a nice blend of researchers with various backgrounds who brought in their various point of views to cover the classics as well as recent advances in mathematical billiards and flat surfaces.
The report consists in the abstracts for the 18 lectures, followed by the abstracts for the 4 short talks that took place in the evenings. During the workshop, there was also a demo of the mathematical software Sage.
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Serge Tabachnikov, Serge Troubetzkoy, Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Mathematical Billards. Oberwolfach Rep. 7 (2010), no. 2, pp. 955–1015
DOI 10.4171/OWR/2010/17