Mini-Workshop: 1-Motives

  • Luca Barbieri-Viale

    Università di Milano, Italy
  • Hélène Esnault

    FU Berlin, Germany
  • David Harari

    Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France


One-motives were introduced by Deligne in 1974 [10], as a generalization of the theory of semiabelian varieties. Viewed today, after Voevodsky’s theory of mixed motives [31], it can be understood as motives of level . While Voevosdky’s more general theory of mixed motives contains deep conjectures which at present seem to be out of reach, one-motives are much more accessible. In this mini-workshop, recent progresses were discussed: various aspects of one-motives and their realizations were explained, some applications in arithmetic algebraic geometry were given.

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Luca Barbieri-Viale, Hélène Esnault, David Harari, Mini-Workshop: 1-Motives. Oberwolfach Rep. 7 (2010), no. 4, pp. 3237–3267

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2010/55