Automorphic Forms: New Directions

  • Stephen S. Kudla

    University of Toronto, Canada
  • Joachim Schwermer

    Universität Wien, Austria


The workshop on Automorphic Forms: New Directions provided a nice glimpse of the many streams of current research activity in this very active area. Topics included the relative trace formula and periods of automorphic forms, Arthur packets and locally/globally generic representations, Eisenstein cohomology, special values of L-functions, algebraic modular forms, p-adic modular forms, arithmetic theta functions, endoscopy and CAP representations, and proofs of the Gross-Prasad conjecture and the local Langlands conjecture for GL(n). The group of participants was notably broad in terms of nationality and age and the meeting confirmed the continued vigor of research in the field of automorphic representations.

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Stephen S. Kudla, Joachim Schwermer, Automorphic Forms: New Directions. Oberwolfach Rep. 8 (2011), no. 1, pp. 719–779

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2011/14