Geometric Structures in Group Theory

  • Martin R. Bridson

    University of Oxford, UK
  • Cornelia Druţu

    Oxford University, UK
  • Linus Kramer

    Universität Münster, Germany
  • Bertrand Rémy

    ENS de Lyon, France


The conference was in the area of geometric group theory, the field of mathematics in which one studies infinite groups (finitely generated, or more generally locally compact, countable etc.) via actions on spaces endowed with various structures (geometric, measurable, analytic etc.). The surging current activity in the field is drawing more and more connections with other mathematical areas, and this was successfully reflected in the program of this week, during which problems in algebraic topology, representation theory and functional analysis, to name just a few, featured prominently alongside core topics in the area.

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Martin R. Bridson, Cornelia Druţu, Linus Kramer, Bertrand Rémy, Geometric Structures in Group Theory. Oberwolfach Rep. 19 (2022), no. 1, pp. 517–576

DOI 10.4171/OWR/2022/11