Solitary Waves and Dynamics for Subcritical Perturbations of Energy Critical NLS
Matt Coles
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CanadaStephen Gustafson
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

We consider a perturbed energy critical focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation in three dimensions. We construct solitary wave solutions for focusing subcritical perturbations as well as defocusing supercritical perturbations. The construction relies on the resolvent expansion, which is singular due to the presence of a resonance. Specializing to pure power focusing subcritical perturbations we demonstrate, via variational arguments, and for a certain range of powers, the existence of a ground state solitary wave, which is then shown to be the previously constructed solution. Finally, we present a dynamical theorem which characterizes the fate of radially symmetric solutions whose initial data are below the action of the ground state. Such solutions will either scatter or blow up in finite time depending on the sign of a certain function of their initial data.
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Matt Coles, Stephen Gustafson, Solitary Waves and Dynamics for Subcritical Perturbations of Energy Critical NLS. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 56 (2020), no. 4, pp. 647–699
DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/56-4-1