
    The RIMS International Research Project for 2006 “Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry” was held during the period April 2006–March 2007. The activities of this Research Project included workshops on “Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry” (September 11–15, 2006), “Arithmetic Galois Theory and Related Moduli Spaces” (October 23–31, 2006), and “p-adic Arithmetic Geometry” (November 20–22, 2006), as well as various seminars and lectures. These activities resulted in numerous instances of fruitful scientific exchange.

    The present issue of Publications of RIMS consists of papers written by participants in the workshop on “Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry”. It presents various aspects of research activity in the frontiers of arithmetic algebraic geometry. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the authors, as well as to all the participants in this Research Project.

    Finally, this Research Project was financially supported by the 21st Century COE Program “Foundation of an International Center of Excellence in the Frontiers of Mathematics and Fostering of Researchers in Future Generations”.

    Kazuya Kato (Kyoto University, guest editor)
    Shinichi Mochizuki (RIMS)
    Atsushi Moriwaki (Kyoto University, guest editor)
    Akio Tamagawa (RIMS)
    Hiroyuki Yoshida (Kyoto University, guest editor)

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    Preface. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 45 (2009), no. 1

    DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/45.1.1