Fundamental Properties of Basic Slc-Trivial Fibrations I
Osamu Fujino
Kyoto University, Japan

We introduce the notion of basic slc-trivial fibrations. It is a generalization of Ambro’s lc-trivial fibrations. Then we study fundamental properties of basic slc-trivial fibrations by using the theory of variations of mixed Hodge structure on cohomology with compact support. More precisely, we prove that the moduli part of a basic slc-trivial fibration is b-potentially nef. Note that the notion of basic slc-trivial fibrations is closely related to that of normal irreducible quasi-log canonical pairs. So the results obtained in this paper will play an important role in the theory of quasi-log schemes. Here we give a structure theorem for normal irreducible quasi-log canonical pairs as an application of the main theorem. This result makes the theory of quasi-log schemes more powerful and more flexible.
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Osamu Fujino, Fundamental Properties of Basic Slc-Trivial Fibrations I. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 58 (2022), no. 3, pp. 473–526
DOI 10.4171/PRIMS/58-3-2