Volume 11, No. 1 (1975)
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences

pp. 1–19 Theory of Vector-Valued HyperfunctionsPatrick D.F. IonTakahiro Kawai
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191684pp. 21–30 Some Remarks on One-Dimensional Local DomainsRyoichi Nagasawa
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191685pp. 31–50 Flows Associated with Ergodic Non-Singular Transformation GroupsToshihiro HamachiYukimasa OkaMotosige Osikawa
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191686pp. 51–65 Some Remarks on the Abstract Cauchy ProblemNobuhiro Sanekata
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191687pp. 67–147 Eigenfunction Expansions for Symmetric Systems of First Order in the Half-SpaceSeiichiro Wakabayashi
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191688pp. 149–162 The Principle of Limit Amplitude for Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems of First Order in the Half-SpaceSeiichiro Wakabayashi
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191689pp. 163–183 Tensor Products and Approximation Problems of -AlgebrasJun Tomiyama
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191690pp. 185–199 Neighborhoods of a Compact Non-Singular Algebraic Curve Imbedded in a 2-Dimensional Complex ManifoldOsamu Suzuki
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191691pp. 201–211 Simple Proofs of Nakano's Vanishing Theorem and Kazama's Approximation Theorem for Weakly 1-Complete ManifoldsOsamu Suzuki
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191692pp. 213–245 Cohomologies of Lie Algebras of Vector Fields with Coefficients in Adjoint Representations Case of Classical TypeYukihiro Kanie
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191693pp. 247–265 Convergence of the ACM Finite Element Scheme for Plate Bending ProblemsFumio Kikuchi
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191694pp. 267–280 On Semi-Free Finite Group Actions on Homotopy SpheresKôjun Abe
DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195191695