Gaussian almost primes in almost all narrow sectors

  • Olli Järviniemi

    University of Turku, Finland
  • Joni Teräväinen

    University of Turku, Finland
Gaussian almost primes in almost all narrow sectors cover
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We show that almost all sectors of the disc of area contain products of exactly two Gaussian primes, and that almost all sectors of area contain products of exactly three Gaussian primes. The argument is based on mean value theorems, large value estimates and pointwise bounds for Hecke character sums.

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Olli Järviniemi, Joni Teräväinen, Gaussian almost primes in almost all narrow sectors. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 40 (2024), no. 4, pp. 1293–1350

DOI 10.4171/RMI/1452