On a problem of Sárközy and Sós for multivariate linear forms

  • Juanjo Rué

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
  • Christoph Spiegel

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
On a problem of Sárközy and Sós for multivariate linear forms cover
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We prove that for pairwise co-prime numbers there does not exist any infinite set of positive integers such that the representation function becomes constant for large enough. This result is a particular case of our main theorem, which poses a further step towards answering a question of Sárközy and Sós and widely extends a previous result of Cilleruelo and Rué for bivariate linear forms (Bull. of the London Math. Society, 2009).

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Juanjo Rué, Christoph Spiegel, On a problem of Sárközy and Sós for multivariate linear forms. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 36 (2020), no. 7, pp. 2107–2119

DOI 10.4171/RMI/1193