Cauchy’s surface area formula in the Heisenberg groups
Yen-Chang Huang
National University of Tainan, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

We show an analogue of Cauchy's surface area formula for the Heisenberg groups for , which states that the p-area of any compact hypersurface in with its p-normal vector defined almost everywhere on is the average of its projected p-areas onto the orthogonal complements of all p-normal vectors of the Pansu spheres (up to a constant). The formula provides a geometric interpretation of the p-areas defined by Cheng–Hwang–Malchiodi–Yang in and Cheng–Hwang– Yang in for . We also characterize the projected areas for rotationally symmetric domains in ; namely, for any rotationally symmetric domain with boundary in , its projected p-area onto the orthogonal complement of any normal vector of the Pansu spheres is a constant, independent of the choice of the projected directions.
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Yen-Chang Huang, Cauchy’s surface area formula in the Heisenberg groups. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 39 (2023), no. 1, pp. 165–180
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1320