Symmetric subcategories, tilting modules, and derived recollements
Hongxing Chen
Capital Normal University, Beijing, ChinaChangchang Xi
Capital Normal University, Beijing; Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China

We introduce symmetric subcategories of abelian categories and show that the derived category of the endomorphism ring of any good tilting module over a ring is a recollement of the derived categories of the given ring and a symmetric subcategory of the module category of the endomorphism ring, in the sense of Beilinson–Bernstein–Deligne. Thus the kernel of the total left-derived tensor functor induced by a good tilting module is always triangle equivalent to the derived category of a symmetric subcategory of a module category. Explicit descriptions of symmetric subcategories associated to good 2-tilting modules over commutative Gorenstein local rings are presented.
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Hongxing Chen, Changchang Xi, Symmetric subcategories, tilting modules, and derived recollements. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 39 (2023), no. 5, pp. 1771–1812
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1410