Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Forthcoming Articles

Articles that are accepted and will be published.

Rev. Mat. Iberoam. cover

Ulrich Menne, Christian Scharrer
A priori bounds for geodesic diameter. Part I. Integral chains with coefficients in a complete normed commutative group
Received 11 October 2022; accepted 21 April 2024

Bernhard Lamel, Giuseppe Della Sala, Florian Bertrand
A sphericity criterion for strictly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces in via invariant curves
Received 28 February 2023; accepted 8 July 2024

Ilia Gaiur, Vladimir Rubtsov
Dualities for rational multi-particle Painlevé systems: Spectral versus Ruijsenaars
Received 22 March 2023; accepted 29 April 2024

Michel Alexis, José Luis Luna García, Eric T. Sawyer, Ignacio Uriarte-Tuero
Stability of Weighted Norm Inequalities
Received 1 May 2023; accepted 23 April 2024

Javier Aramayona, Kai-Uwe Bux, Jonas Flechsig, Nansen Petrosyan, Xiaolei Wu
Asymptotic mapping class groups of Cantor manifolds and their finiteness properties
Received 3 May 2023; accepted 8 July 2024

Julia Brandes, Changhao Chen, Igor E. Shparlinski
Local mean value estimates for Weyl sums
Received 26 July 2023; accepted 28 May 2024

Pedro Montealegre Macías, Jaime J. Sánchez-Gabites
Universal bounds on the entropy of toroidal attractors
Received 26 July 2023; accepted 27 May 2024

Lucio Bedulli, Giovanni Gentili, Luigi Vezzoni
The parabolic quaternionic Calabi-Yau equation on hyperkähler manifolds
Received 27 August 2023; accepted 27 May 2024

Tobias Ried, Carlos Román
Domain branching in micromagnetism: scaling law for the global and local energies
Received 30 August 2023; accepted 8 July 2024

Theodora Bourni, Benjamin Richards
Convex Ancient Solutions to Anisotropic Curve Shortening Flow
Received 1 September 2023; accepted 8 July 2024

Michal Hrbek, Lorenzo Martini
Product-complete tilting complexes and Cohen-Macaulay hearts
Received 5 September 2023; accepted 27 May 2024

Christophe Cheverry, Slim Ibrahim
The Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell Ssytem: Local Smooth Solvability For a Weak Topolgy
Received 7 September 2023; accepted 13 May 2024

Jacob Carruth, Maximilian Eggl, Charles Fefferman, Clarence W. Rowley
Optimal Agnostic Control of Unknown Linear Dynamics in a Bounded Parameter Range
Received 19 September 2023; accepted 27 May 2024

Jacob Carruth, Maximilian Eggl, Charles Fefferman, Clarence W. Rowley
Controlling Unknown Linear Dynamics with Almost Optimal Regret
Received 19 September 2023; accepted 8 July 2024

Lê Quy Thuong, Takehiko Yasuda
Higher Jacobian ideals, contact equivalence and motivic zeta functions
Received 9 November 2023; accepted 8 July 2024