Volume 34, No. 2 (2018)
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

pp. 481–540 Isoperimetric profiles and random walks on some permutation wreath productsLaurent Saloff-CosteTianyi Zheng
DOI 10.4171/RMI/994pp. 541–592 Accessibility, Martin boundary and minimal thinness for Feller processes in metric measure spacesPanki KimRenming SongZoran Vondraček
DOI 10.4171/RMI/995pp. 593–608 Solid hulls of weighted Banach spaces of entire functionsJosé BonetJari Taskinen
DOI 10.4171/RMI/996pp. 609–620 Some remarks on the comparison principle in Kirchhoff equationsGiovany M. FigueiredoAntonio Suárez
DOI 10.4171/RMI/997pp. 621–635 Spectral permanence in a space with two normsHyeonbae KangMihai Putinar
DOI 10.4171/RMI/998pp. 637–654 The approximation property for spaces of Lipschitz functions with the bounded weak* topologyAntonio Jiménez-Vargas
DOI 10.4171/RMI/999pp. 655–685 On the variance of the error term in the hyperbolic circle problemGiacomo CherubiniMorten S. Risager
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1000pp. 687–738 Parabolic Harnack inequality on fractal-type metric measure Dirichlet spacesJanna Lierl
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1001pp. 739–766 On the variation of maximal operators of convolution type IIEmanuel CarneiroRenan FinderMateus Sousa
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1002pp. 767–810 The Dirichlet boundary problem for second order parabolic operators satisfying a Carleson conditionMartin DindošSukjung Hwang
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1003pp. 811–838 Norm convolution inequalities in Lebesgue spacesErlan NursultanovSergey TikhonovNazerke Tleukhanova
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1004pp. 839–852 Smooth torus actions are described by a single vector fieldFrancisco Javier TurielAntonio Viruel
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1005pp. 853–878 Topological entropy of irregular setsLuis BarreiraJinjun LiClaudia Valls
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1006pp. 879–904 The variance conjecture on hyperplane projections of the ballsDavid AlonsoJesús Bastero
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1007pp. 905–914 Algebraic connections vs. algebraic -modules: regularity conditionsMaurizio CailottoLuisa Fiorot
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1008pp. 915–936 On a paper of Berestycki–Hamel–Rossi and its relations to the weak maximum principle at infinity, with applicationsMarco MagliaroLuciano MariMarco Rigoli
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1009pp. 937–948 The Loewner equation and Lipschitz graphsSteffen RohdeHuy TranMichel Zinsmeister
DOI 10.4171/RMI/1010