A criterion for cofiniteness of modules

  • Mohammad Khazaei

    Urmia University, Iran
  • Reza Sazeedeh

    Urmia University, Iran
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Let be a commutative noetherian ring, be an ideal of , and be non-negative integers. Let be an -module such that is finitely generated for all . We define a class of modules and we assume that for all . We show that is -cofinite for all if either or and is finitely generated for all , and . If is a ring of dimension and for any ideal of dimension , then we prove that for any ideal of .

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Mohammad Khazaei, Reza Sazeedeh, A criterion for cofiniteness of modules. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 151 (2024), pp. 201–211

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/128