Fibrant Presheaves of Spectra and Guillén–Navarro Extension

  • Llorenç Rubió i Pons

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain


In this remark we prove that the Guillén–Navarro extension of a presheaf of spectra in the category of algebraic varieties over a field of characteristic zero, when exists, coincides up to weak equivalence with the fibrant replacement of the presheaf in the injective model category structure with the cd-topology of abstract blow-ups.

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Llorenç Rubió i Pons, Fibrant Presheaves of Spectra and Guillén–Navarro Extension. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 122 (2009), pp. 191–203

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/122-12