Lattice graphs with non-concurrent longest cycles

  • Ali Dino Jumani

    Shah Abdul Latif University, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Carol T. Zamfirescu

    Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
  • Tudor I. Zamfirescu

    Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany


No hypohamiltonian graphs are embeddable in the planar square lattice. This lattice contains, however, graphs in which every vertex is missed by some longest cycle. In this paper we present graphs with this property, embeddable in various lattices, and of remarkably small order.

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Ali Dino Jumani, Carol T. Zamfirescu, Tudor I. Zamfirescu, Lattice graphs with non-concurrent longest cycles. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 132 (2014), pp. 75–82

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/132-6