Resolutions as directed colimits
Leonid Positselski
Czech Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czech Republic

A general principle suggests that “anything flat is a directed colimit of countably presentable flats”. In this paper we consider resolutions and coresolutions of modules over a countably coherent ring (e.g., any coherent ring or any countably Noetherian ring). We show that any -module of flat dimension is a directed colimit of countably presentable -modules of flat dimension at most , and any flatly coresolved -module is a directed colimit of countably presentable flatly coresolved -modules. If is a countably coherent ring with a dualizing complex, then any F-totally acyclic complex of flat -modules is a directed colimit of F-totally acyclic complexes of countably presentable flat -modules. The proofs are applications of an even more general category-theoretic principle going back to an unpublished 1977 preprint of Ulmer. Our proof of the assertion that every Gorenstein-flat module over a countably coherent ring is a directed colimit of countably presentable Gorenstein-flat modules uses a different technique, based on results of Šaroch and Št’ovíček. We also discuss totally acyclic complexes of injectives and Gorenstein-injective modules, obtaining various cardinality estimates for the accessibility rank under various assumptions.
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Leonid Positselski, Resolutions as directed colimits. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/166