On join irreducible -trivial semigroups
Edmond W. H. Lee
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USAJohn Rhodes
University of California, Berkeley, USABenjamin Steinberg
City College of New York, USA

A pseudovariety of semigroups is join irreducible if, whenever it is contained in the complete join of some pseudovarieties, then it is contained in one of the pseudovarieties. A finite semigroup is join irreducible if it generates a join irreducible pseudovariety. New finite -trivial semigroups () are exhibited with the property that, while each is not join irreducible, the monoid is join irreducible. The monoids are the first examples of join irreducible -trivial semigroups that generate pseudovarieties that are not self-dual. Several sufficient conditions are also established under which a finite semigroup is not join irreducible. Based on these results, join irreducible pseudovarieties generated by a -trivial semigroup of order up to six are completely described. It turns out that besides known examples and those generated by and its dual monoid, there are no further examples.
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Edmond W. H. Lee, John Rhodes, Benjamin Steinberg, On join irreducible -trivial semigroups. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 147 (2022), pp. 43–78
DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/90