Inverse Problems for Memory Kernels by Laplace Transform Methods
Jaan Janno
Tallin Technical University, EstoniaLothar von Wolfersdorf
Technische Universität, Freiberg, Germany

Basic inverse problems for identification of memory kernels in linear heat conduction and viscoelasticity in the infinite time interval (0;1) are treated by Laplace transform method in coupling with Fourier’s method for the direct initial-boundary value problem of the corresponding integro-differential equation. Under suitable assumptions on the data existence and uniqueness of the memory kernel are shown.
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Jaan Janno, Lothar von Wolfersdorf, Inverse Problems for Memory Kernels by Laplace Transform Methods. Z. Anal. Anwend. 19 (2000), no. 2, pp. 489–510
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/963