Some Oscillation and Non-Oscillation Theorems for Fourth Order Difference Equations
E. Thandapani
University of Madras, Chennai, IndiaI.M. Arockiasamy
Periyar University, Salem, India

Sufficient conditions are established for oscillation of all solutions of the fourth order difference equation
where is the forward difference operator are real sequences, and is a real-valued continuous function. Also, sufficient conditions are provided which ensure that all non-oscillatory solutions of the equation approach zero as . Examples are inserted to illustrate the results.
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E. Thandapani, I.M. Arockiasamy, Some Oscillation and Non-Oscillation Theorems for Fourth Order Difference Equations. Z. Anal. Anwend. 19 (2000), no. 3, pp. 863–872
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/985