Hysteresis in Filtration through Porous Media

  • F. Bagagiolo

    Università di Padova, Italy
  • Augusto Visintin

    Università di Trento, Italy


We study an evolution problem for filtration through porous media, accounting for hysteresis in the saturation versus pressure constitutive relation. We provide a weak formulation of the problem, assuming that the memory effect in the constitutive relation consists not only of a rate-independent component but also of a rate-dependent one. We prove an existence result, which also applies to the case where the hysteresis operator is of Preisach-type.

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F. Bagagiolo, Augusto Visintin, Hysteresis in Filtration through Porous Media. Z. Anal. Anwend. 19 (2000), no. 4, pp. 977–997

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/993