Optimal Control in Matrix-Valued Coefficients for Nonlinear Monotone Problems: Optimality Conditions I
Peter I. Kogut
Dnipropetrovsk National University, UkraineOl'ga P. Kupenko
National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, UkraineGünter Leugering
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

In this article we study an optimal control problem for a nonlinear monotone Dirichlet problem where the controls are taken as matrix-valued coefficients in . For the exemplary case of a tracking cost functional, we derive first order optimality conditions. This first part is concerned with the general case of matrix-valued coefficients under some hypothesis, while the second part focuses on the special class of diagonal matrices.
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Peter I. Kogut, Ol'ga P. Kupenko, Günter Leugering, Optimal Control in Matrix-Valued Coefficients for Nonlinear Monotone Problems: Optimality Conditions I. Z. Anal. Anwend. 34 (2015), no. 1, pp. 85–108
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1530