Products of Distributions in Several Variables and Applications to Zero–Mass QED
Hans G. Embacher
Universität Innsbruck, AustriaGebhard Grübl
Universität Innsbruck, AustriaMichael Oberguggenberger
Universität Innsbruck, Austria

We study products of distributions in several variables, having in mind applications to quantum electrodynamics. We introduce a new product, the parameter product, and relate it to known ones. It allows us to rigorously interpret and evaluate products arising in the computations of the one-loop vacuum polarization of zero-mass QED , thereby avoiding the occurrence of renormalization ambiguities from the very beginning.
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Hans G. Embacher, Gebhard Grübl, Michael Oberguggenberger, Products of Distributions in Several Variables and Applications to Zero–Mass QED. Z. Anal. Anwend. 11 (1992), no. 4, pp. 437–454
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/591