Inverse Probleme für die Wärmeleitungsgleichung
Sybille Handrock-Meyer
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany

A summary is given of the results obtained in the past years for the unique determination of the heat conductivity in the heat equation where the cases of a constant, a space dependent, a time dependent heat conductivity and the quasilinear case, i.e. the heat conductivity is a function of the temperature are considered. Moreover a simple proof is given for the validity of the maximum principle in the quasilinear case.
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Sybille Handrock-Meyer, Inverse Probleme für die Wärmeleitungsgleichung. Z. Anal. Anwend. 7 (1988), no. 6, pp. 503–510
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/325