On Two-Dimensional Immersions of Prescribed Mean Curvature in
Matthias Bergner
Universität Ulm, GermanySteffen Fröhlich
TU Berlin, Germany

We consider two-dimensional immersions of disc-type in . We focus on well known classical concepts and study the nonlinear elliptic systems of such mappings. Using an Osserman-type condition we give a-priori estimates of the principle curvatures for graphs with prescribed mean curvature fields and derive a theorem of Bernstein type for minimal graphs.
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Matthias Bergner, Steffen Fröhlich, On Two-Dimensional Immersions of Prescribed Mean Curvature in . Z. Anal. Anwend. 27 (2008), no. 1, pp. 31–52
DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1342